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Ko wai rātou?
Tēna koutou katoa
E te taha o toku papa nō Fiji ahau
E te taha o toku mama nō Germany no England ahau
Ko Vusama e te tūrangawaewae
Ko Otautahi te kainga
Ko Tania Phillips tōku ingoa
Kia ora! I'm Tania
Te Waharoa Kaihaumanu
Kia ora e te whānau, my name is Tania Phillips. I am a registered clinical psychologist working with whaiora within Te Waharoa.
My clinical background includes working theraputically with adult whaiora within the prison system, psychatric inpatient and community settings, and in the hospital environment.
I am attracted to the whānau centered, strength based approach that is done so well here at Purapura Whetu. It is an honour to be part of Te Waharoa and be supported to practice psychology from a kaupapa Māori perspective
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