Te Piringatahi
Te Piringatahi is a kaupapa Māori service that supports rangatahi with their mental wellbeing, substance use and other behaviours that can have an impact on the rangatahi, their whanau and community.
The programme empowers rangatahi to:
build identity and confidence
understand oranga principles and values
grow knowledge to increase positive development for safe and healthy lifestyle choices and behaviours
Te Piringatahi work with rangatahi who want to change their situation in life, school, home, culture, and their future. Including one to one mentoring, counselling, weekly community programmes, home visits, and practical advice.
We are a free service for:
13-24 years old
Whānau engaged with Purapura Whetu services

Valani Shaw Hunt
Māori Rangatahi Mental Healthand AOD Clinician - Registered Social Worker
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Hungatahua te awa
Ko Kurahaupō te waka
Ko Te Āti Awa, Ko Taranaki ngā iwi
Ko Nga Mahanga te hapu
Ko Puniho te marae
No Rēkohu me Bosnia ahau
E noho ana āu ki Ōtautahi
Ko Valani Shaw-Hunt tōku ingoa
Kia ora koutou katoa, my name is Valani Shaw-Hunt. I am a registered Social Worker based in the Te Waharoa space within the Te Piringatahi service, specializing as a Māori Rangatahi Mental Health and AOD Clinician. In my work, I am dedicated to collaborating with rangatahi, their whānau and community - fostering mana-enhancing practices that drive social change.
Building connections (Whakawhanaungatanga) and creating a respectful environment are central to nurturing a sense of belonging for our rangatahi, which is something I hold at the forefront of my practice. At the heart of my approach lies a holistic perspective that encompasses all aspects of an individual's Hauora, ensuring that rangatahi have unrestricted access to choices for improving their well-being and mental health, free from barriers.
Mauri Ora.