Ko wai rātou?
Ko Orangiwhao te maunga
Ko Mitiwai te awa
Ko Kawhia te moana
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Ngati Mahuta te hapu
Ko Aaruka raua ko Te Kōraha nga marae
Ko Angela Keene toku ingoa
Kia ora! I'm Ange
Te Waharoa Kaihaumanu
I am a registered Kaiwhakaora Ngangahau/Occupational Therapist with 15+ years of supporting people within mental health and addiction services.
Prior to this, concussion/brain injury, physical rehabilitation, and assisting people back into work. My passion is helping people to live their best life.
My knowledge as an Occupational therapist helps me to find the “just right” challenge with my whaiora, to ensure success with achieving their goals.
I have gained post-graduate qualifications including a Post-graduate Diploma in Health Science endorsed in mental health and a Post-graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I provide counselling and use a range of approaches to fit the whaiora and/or whanau